朴樹 - 平凡之路
徘徊著的在路上的 You who are wondering on the road
你要走嗎 Are you moving forward
易碎的驕傲著 You who are fragile and stolz
那也曾是我的模樣 that's also who I was
沸騰著的不安著的 You who are uneasy and seething
你要去哪 where are you going
謎一樣的沉默著的 You who are mute and riddling
故事你真的在聽嗎 the story are you really listening
我曾經跨過山和大海 I once toiled through mountains and seas
也穿過人山人海 also the crowds of humanities
我曾經擁有著的一切 Everything I ever possessed
轉眼都飄散如煙 now all drift away like mist
我曾經失落失望失掉所有方向 I was once frustrated, disappointed and lost on the road
直到看見平凡才是唯一的答案 until found that mediocre life was the only answer
你要走嗎 Are you moving forward
易碎的驕傲著 You who are fragile and stolz
那也曾是我的模樣 that's also who I was
沸騰著的不安著的 You who are uneasy and seething
你要去哪 where are you going
謎一樣的沉默著的 You who are mute and riddling
故事你真的在聽嗎 the story are you really listening
我曾經跨過山和大海 I once toiled through mountains and seas
也穿過人山人海 also the crowds of humanities
我曾經擁有著的一切 Everything I ever possessed
轉眼都飄散如煙 now all drift away like mist
我曾經失落失望失掉所有方向 I was once frustrated, disappointed and lost on the road
直到看見平凡才是唯一的答案 until found that mediocre life was the only answer
當你仍然還在幻想 While you are still cherishing conceit
你的明天 your future
她會好嗎還是更爛 will it be better or worse further
對我而言是另一天 To me, it's the different
我曾經毀了我的一切 I once destroyed my everything
只想永遠的離開 just for ever-leaving
我曾經墮入無邊黑暗 I once fell into boundless gloom
想掙扎無法自拔 struggled but failed to extricate myself
我曾經像你像他像那野草野花 I was just like you the ordinary people and the wild plants
絕望著渴望著哭著笑著平凡著 despaired, aspired, cried and laughed in mediocre performance
向前走就這麼走 Moving forward just like this
就算你被給過什麼 even though you have been given nothing
向前走就這麼走 Moving forward just like this
就算你被奪走什麼 even though you have been taken something
向前走就這麼走 Moving forward just like this
就算會錯過什麼 even though you may miss something
向前走就這麼走 Moving forward just like this
我曾經墮入無邊黑暗 I once fell into boundless gloom
想掙扎無法自拔 struggled but failed to extricate myself
我曾經像你像他像那野草野花 I was just like you the ordinary people and the wild plants
冥冥中這是我唯一要走的路啊 this is the doomed road I shall pursue and face
時間無言如此這般 Time keeps silence as so and so
明天已在眼前 here comes the tomorrow
風吹過的路依然遠 The wind-off road is still far away
你的故事講到了哪 where is the line of your story
我在北方的寒夜裡 四季如春
如果天黑之前來得及 我要忘了你的眼睛
窮極一生 做不完一場夢
他不再和誰談論相逢的孤島 因為心裡早已荒蕪人煙
他的心裡再裝不下一個家 做一個只對自己說謊的啞巴 他說
你任何為人稱道的美麗 不及他第一次遇見你
如果所有土地連在一起 走上一生只為去擁抱你
喝醉了他的夢 晚安
有天他聽見有人唱著古老的歌 唱著今天還在遠方發生的
像在她眼睛裡看到的孤島 沒有悲傷但也沒有花朵
你在南方的艷陽裡大雪紛飛 我在北方的寒夜裡四季如春
如果天黑之前來得及 我要忘了你的眼睛
南山南 北秋悲
南風喃 北海北
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